NOAA Personas

NOAA: Modernizing Workforce Management

With the redesign of, the Workforce Management Office (WFMO) reached out for help in re-organizing their vast amount of site content. My team and I worked closely with the office to conduct research into what matters most to NOAA employees when they think about Human Resources and then took that research and turned it into insights. These insights helped shape the re-organized WFMO website and allowed us to create a toolkit for content updates and creation. In addition, we created standards for pages, modules and components that mirrored the redesigned system and designed a flexible framework for managing the content in this new system. To ensure the client understood the system, we conducted two day-long hands-on sessions on how to use the new system. 

We took over 100,000 pieces of content and streamlined that to around 300. By dividing up repetitive portions of pages and turning them into content modules, WFMO can edit content in one place and have it cascade across multiple pages. The remaining content was either archived or re-located to the internal HR site. The site also makes use of a logical linking system that we designed which provides a flexible navigation system around reusable content containers. This allows for an "edit once, propagate in multiple locations" system design. 

Launch Date
Winter 2018

UX Lead, UX Researcher

Research Deliverables
User and Stakeholder Personas (PDF)
User Journey Map (PDF)

Project Artifacts
Final Specifications Doc (PDF)